
Hello! My name is Kuya Alex, an Asian American from the Golden State of Northern California – Born and Raised. No, I’m not Filipino! haha


This website follows my daily life as an Asian foreigner living and traveling in the Philippines while Studying for Bachelor of Science in Nursing – currently in Province of Pangasinan located in Northern Luzon, Philippines. As far as I know, it is the only blog on the internet that does video and diary updates about how it is like to live and to study in the Philippines.

I aim to educate people around the world on what it truly is like to live life, to travel, and to study in the Philippines as a foreigner and on a budget.

What this blog shows:

If you follow daily, you’ll see my living conditions, the food I eat, where I buy it, different restaurants, stores, malls, dilemmas, problems, drama, mini trips, good times, bad times, and some of the people and friends I meet here.

What you see is real and never embellished to make the video or posting look good or appealing to the masses. I don’t sugarcoat anything. Some days are boring and some are exciting, because that’s how life goes. If you’ve ever had an interest in studying in the Philippines or moving here permanently,  this blog is a great place to start.


*Registering for this website is optional, but it will allow you to view private posting that aren’t made public.


